Training Leader

Angela Delichatsios is an experienced leader of classes and workshops in physical theatre training in the lineages of Grotowski-inspired Polish ensemble physical theatre (Song of the Goat Theatre, S. Wangh) as well as Viewpoints (W. Beavers, M. Overlie, A. Bogart/SITI Company). She also provides training in other modalities such as site-specific performance and devised theatre. Her courses and workshops involve full-body performance, acting, and ensemble training and are attuned to the experience level and abilities of the participants.

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 Her teaching philosophy:

  • to provide a supportive environment in which the capabilities of each individual emerge as they test themselves and expand against limitations of movement, partner work and the ensemble
  • to convey core values of transparency, good communication, the development of self-assessment by practitioners as well as the giving and receiving of constructive feedback from fellow participantsoutcomes:
  • practitioners gain in presence and confidence, and in fluidity of movement and choice and voice
  • practitioners experience being present in the moment, in a way such that the moment expands and choices become more plentiful and various
  • practitioners expand their ability to be comfortable with uncertainty, as a natural part of the creative process, and to develop kindness towards themselves and generosity towards their collaborators